Likewise, if you feel that by replying "God bless you too," (which is personally my own response), this person might experience a sense of comfort, ease, and happiness that would not be experienced by replying "Thank you but I do not believe in your god", then the answer should be clear as to the way to proceed. 8. You can give me your book as well ; We can have a lunch to exchange in this topic ; etc. A smile is the best weapon for every attitude! Here are some ways you can respond to a thank you in an email: "My pleasure. (Romans 1:7-8, NIV) Here Paul offered up thanks and a prayer for his brothers and sisters in the church in Corinth: I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. If being of service to the world and helping to ease the suffering of other living beings is important to you, formalize this intention with a vow. After one of the most difficult years of his life, Williams said, he took to heart a friend's advice about cultivating a sense of thankfulness. Gadaw is also the expression sometimes used to seek pardon. He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in eastern India sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE. It can also be used to connote an extra special feeling of gratitude—such as receiving a gift. English: Thank you. ~ Upasakasila Sutra It is the Buddhist value of "gratitude" and "giving" ("Dana") which is fundamental to Buddhism that we share on this day. I am so pleased I finally made the time to attend! May I be well. In th is month's selection "Thanks, But No Thanks," which . You can give me your book as well ; We can have a lunch to exchange in this topic ; etc. How liberating it would . May I be peaceful. May they be well. This was the general message: 'We know you've benefited from meditation, and going on silent retreats. ありがとうございます (Arigatou Gozaimasu): The Formal Way to Say Thank You. Now imagine the color, texture, shape of the soil in your mind for the next 2 minutes. If someone compliments you and you don't politely acknowledge the compliment, this person may be offended. Dawn has also shared her personal reflections below, and we hope you take a moment to read them and reflect on Dawn's time with BPF. Bow for a couple of seconds and return to the standing position. We are all grateful to you for your kindness. From other . "If you give thanks, I will give you more." "Truly Allah is bountiful towards the people, but most of them do not give thanks." In India, saying "thank you" is not taken lightly and if said in the wrong context, can be insulting and insincere. Not only does it help us progress towards realizing dependent origination (we are all connected), but also helps free us from attachment and builds a compassionate mind. not to kill, not to steal & not to indulge in sexual misconduct. In Buddhism, gratitude is often an internal manifestation before it is an external one. Nigeria. I felt like sharing this. Keep up the great work folks. When you have to touch an older or superior person . We can exchange together about Satan and Buddhism, this is a book. Dear Lord, thank You for . Say thank you like you mean it "People who keep gratitude journals on a weekly basis are healthier, more optimistic, and more likely to make progress toward achieving personal goals, according to author Robert Emmons." It is more important to Buddhists to care for the lives of the people all around them than to prolong or extend life when death is imminent. She explained the concepts clearly, with a warmth and great sense of humour. I cherish you forever, my friend. You do make a difference.". You also say gadaw. For instance, when in a crowded prayer pavilion you cross in front of a sitting or praying person, you bend slightly and say, gadaw. Eventually, your boss will notice. Arigatou said on its own is a casual way to say thanks. German. Something you know they like or might enjoy. We might imagine the phrases mean " Bon appétit " and " Thank you for the meal ", as they . 3. One of the major languages of the world, German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and the most widely spoken native . You simply treat their rudeness with a smile and a 'thank you.' Tell them to have a great day, to enjoy their day. The children color and cut out the Buddha altar, putting Amida Buddha and the various offerings in their proper places. Sometimes this makes them even angrier and even more rude, but once they walk away and think about it, they'll think, "That person was really nice to me and I took out my frustrations on them. Method 1 Performing Buddhist Prayers Download Article 1 Center yourself with good posture, steady breathing and mindfulness. Christians like loving you can start the topic with loving kindnes. 7. I offer rice to say "thank you.". They seemed aggrieved. Buddha says you should not involve in the deliberate killing or torturing of a being. Thank you, to the world, for the opportunity you have given me. Central to the many ways Buddhism is understood is the achievement of emotional, mental, and psychological wellness. This can create warmth, hope, joy, and solace for others. Ven. She thanks terror, disillusionment (known in the Buddhist world as "suffering," or more accurately, dissatisfaction), frailty (perhaps her own ill health or what she considered to be mental weakness), consequence (karma), and of course "silence" as all being sign posts that led her down this path. "Thank you, my love, for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.". hi! We have the evidence in this Akron Pamphlet. Gratitude is to be cultivated as a habit or attitude of mind not dependent on conditions.In the quote below, we see that the Buddha taught that gratitude is necessary for integrity. May you all become free from suffering. "Thank you for always being my rainbow after the storm.". 10. level 1. In a way, it helps us to realize that "myself" and "personally you" are false ideas. Maybe sometimes I disagree with some here till a point it almost becomes frustrating , but still you are all very inspiring to me. Thank you for your caring . Right action stems from the three main components of the five precepts i.e. May you all become free from suffering. Instead, you should develop kindness and compassion for other beings. Now that's the real Jewish way to say thanks—and probably the oldest. You simply treat their rudeness with a smile and a 'thank you.' Tell them to have a great day, to enjoy their day. So Thank you is sufficient. You don't see "thanks" in the Hebrew Bible, but you do see a lot of blessings given in return for kind deeds. Maybe sometimes I disagree with some here till a point it almost becomes frustrating , but still you are all very inspiring to me. I offer beautiful flowers and say "thank you." I light the candle and say "thank you." Namu Amida Butsu "Praise to Amida Buddha," the teacher says, "is the Buddhist way to say 'thank you.'" Teaching children the basics of a religious tradtion is always a challenge, and status as a religious minority brings with it added . Before praying, take a deep breath, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Once a month, Tricycle features an article from Inquiring Mind, a Buddhist journal that was in print from 1984-2015 and now has a growing number of back issues archived at " (ごちそうさまでした) - we see characters say these phrases whenever they have a meal. Topic: Spiritual and religious citizens are the largest vote bank in South Africa and we can take back our country in the next election if we stand together | Part 79 Subject: Oneness - The Eternal. Thank you, Thank you!" And the old monk looked up and said: "And that's heaven." I first ran across that delightful (even if apocryphal) story in Zen Flesh, Zen Bones , the cite for which is Paul Reps, and Nyogen Senzaki, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, A collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings.Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1957. Christians like loving you can start the topic with loving kindnes. Once done, you can open your eyes. You want to sink into your prayers, not just say them. Namaste replaces "hello" as greeting where deep respect is offered. Just because you're Buddhist doesn't mean you can't say "thank you" :P All facetiousness aside, Buddhism is clear about the practice. The language that early Buddhist texts were written in was Sanskrit and Pali. You can follow a typical Metta Prayer which can be the following: "May I be happy. Bringing good to others is the ideal of Buddhism. I've been listening to you for about a month now and you been helping me out a lot I just wanted to say thank.\ 2020-05 . Focus on the here and now, centering yourself however feels right. In the ancient city of Benin in Edo State, "Iru emwen rue" is how you say "I love you" and it simply means "I love you!" The University of Benin, which produced Nigeria's first female Vice-Chancellor, is located in Benin. Dhanyavaad (धन्यवाद्): Pronounced "Dun-Yuh-Vahd," this is a more formal thank you and used when speaking to an elder or an authority figure. But Buddhism teaches us to be grateful, period. Weakness is not something that we as human beings like to show. Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you to all the people supporting me through my Patreon account - which helps support all three of my channels (see below. Yoruba . You may say that it is impossible to eliminate suffering in this life, but in fact this calls for effort. Sample Letter -2. Every time you take them their coffee, cookies or muffin, do it with a smile and tell them to "enjoy!". May all beings in my city be happy. We now have proof from our AA ancestors, a validation and approval that AA and Buddhism can be practiced successfully together. Thank you, to me, for being able to see this beauty, even if temporarily. I am so grateful to have you in my life. You are my masters. Thank you, God, for all your blessings to me and my family; for the strength you give me each day and for all the people around me who make life more meaningful. First, explain to them how it makes the Meru line… I love this site! If only by this example alone, I am tempted to say Japanese Americans know how to prolong the giving and the thanking. The Hawaiian Shaka. Often we're told to remember to be grateful for blessings or good fortune. There are Buddhists who've been doing this for many years. In Buddhism, the ideal practice of compassion is to act to alleviate suffering whenever it arises. In terms of the Nenbutsu faith, this Wisdom gives us the strength and courage to say, "Thank You." It sometimes takes strength and courage to say thank you because sometimes thank you implies that I was not able to do something. First of all, I want to mention the formal way of saying thank you, arigatou gozaimasu. According to Muslims, the angel Gabriel revealed the word of (God) Allah to Muhammed, their prophet. Thank you. I offer beautiful flowers and say "thank you.". Thank you for your caring . Holly, Thanks you so much for answering to my question. So I want to say thank you; thank you for being who you are, to everybody who tries to walk the 8-fold path. Thank you in German: danke (dahn-kah); German Deutsch is the official language of both Germany and Austria and one of the three official languages of Switzerland. 8. It is intending, wishing well for others and for yourself, it is loving-kindness. "Someone said I should send out Buddhist thank-you cards," he said, "since Buddhists believe that anything that challenges you makes you pull yourself together." But Buddhism teaches us to be grateful, period. Thank you for being you. Likewise, if you feel that by replying "God bless you too," (which is personally my own response), this person might experience a sense of comfort, ease, and happiness that would not be experienced by replying "Thank you but I do not believe in your god", then the answer should be clear as to the way to proceed. Most Japanese anime or drama lovers are familiar with certain common phrases. Bowing to the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Amen. Hausa: Nagode. Sit comfortably with your back straight and gaze directly upon the soil tray. Igbo: Imena. Put "bahut" (बहुत) before shukriyaa for "thank you very much." You can use "bahut" here the same way as you did above to change your basic "thank you" to "thank you very much" or "thanks a lot." Though you're expressing more gratitude here, this is still considered informal. The combination of "thank you (arigatou)" + the polite verb (gozaimasu) makes this expression more formal. (wikipedia) Buddha Quotes Thank Quotes You Quotes When they feel comfort to be with you, you can talk to them about the other topics. Buddhism Made Simple . the V is Baite. Gently walk with light and slow steps, take a deep breath in the peaceful atmosphere of the poor temple roof, take a deep breath in your lungs, and you will love this place, will feel your soul at ease. While we were all grieving, your beautiful words about the departed soul gave us comfort. In this regard, both politics and religion are combined in the governing of the Tibetan people. Once you have completed the bow, you will have respectfully greeted the Buddhist monk. If you only have one day left to live, try listening to the temple bells ring at dusk or reading a prayer together with the monks. 1. " (いただきます) " Gochisousama-deshita! Gratitude is to be cultivated as a habit or attitude of mind not dependent on conditions.In the quote below, we see that the Buddha taught that gratitude is necessary for integrity. Updated on February 18, 2019. Your dedication, understanding, and time all mean so much to me, and I feel very lucky to be able to experience life alongside you. In Buddhism, the ideal practice of compassion is to act to alleviate suffering whenever it arises. If the world had more people like you it would be a better place. We can exchange together about Satan and Buddhism, this is a book. 6. Often we're told to remember to be grateful for blessings or good fortune. How do you say thank you in Nigerian language? Now if we can combine this skill with the Buddhist principle called dana (giving without attachment or expectation and with good intentions) and apply it to the custom of koden, we might get somewhere. The point is to open your heart and express your inner Being. 2. 20. I burn incense to say "thank you.". This bow can also be practiced with lay people in countries such as Thailand. Muga, a popular Meru Greetings Guide Wherever you enter someone else's culture and they learn that you are Meru, they will greet you with, "Muga Vaite Murume.". Craft your own Bodhisattva vow. I came across this supposed quote of the Buddha in a book called "Butterflies and Moths" by Dr. Walter Robert Corti. " Itadakimasu! I would like to thank you for performing the service at my uncle's funeral ceremony. Answer (1 of 9): I don't see what could be more polite than the way you just said it. You may say that it is impossible to eliminate suffering in this life, but in fact this calls for effort. No longer can others say AA is not for Buddhists. - Catherine Pulsifer. So I want to say thank you; thank you for being who you are, to everybody who tries to walk the 8-fold path. Buddhist 'Thank You' Messages. I've been listening to you for about a month now and you been helping me out a lot I just wanted to say thank. I made my way home last night feeling a definite sense of calmness . I felt like sharing this. "I attended the Buddhist Path of Peace and Purpose last night and just wanted to say thank you. We thank Dawn again for her invaluable service to our spiritual-political communities, and send her much metta for her continuing . These are ancient Indian languages. The bow starts with hands in traditional "Namaste" — joining both hands with the tips of all fingers together — then touching head (crown chakra), throat (throat chakra) and heart (heart chakra) before prostrating to the knees. In that sense, thank you suggests weakness. Buddhist speak whatever their native language is. Updated on February 18, 2019. As you gaze the soil tray, focus on the color, texture, shape of the soil. Public Talk: Feminism and Buddhism - translations in Italian, Spanish and Hebrew available below Bhikshuni Lozang Yönten 26 June 2019 Nagarjuna Center: Madrid, Spain Transcribed and lightly edited: L. Yönten July 2019 Start by setting the motivation for this talk, that whether we have objections or insights, whether we have clarity or confusion - that all of this leads to the development . German belongs to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. Kill them with kindness! Surrounded by this constant, totally normal stream of back-and-forth help, we don't feel the need to say thank you every single time, and we potentially can focus more on whatever it is we have to do. One of the key characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism is that it takes the form of as theocracy. That's how you should train yourselves." ( Majjhima Nikaya) 9. African Americans are at perpetual risk of psychological imbalance and trauma due to the social realities of racism in the United States. "In Hawaii, the hand sign for 'thank you' is a waggle of the upward thumb and forward-pointing pinkie with the middle three fingers curled to the palm.". Buddhist philosophy found its way into AA literature long ago. Please feel free to reach out to me via this email address should you need help in the future." "I'm glad to hear everything worked out well." "I was happy to be able to assist you." 7. For everyday transactions, expressing thanks verbally is not necessary because "In the . First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. You're a great friend who brings out the best in me. Some think it is better to send an immediate e-mail or simply say thanks in person. Ideally, you should only bow at about a 45-degree angle, rather than dipping your whole torso to the ground. Kill them with kindness! Actually i have been using in a way ur palyul lineage say But a heavy doubt arosed wen i see a video which is given in you-tube,a Tilku talking abt usage of male.He says one can cross the Guru Bid and need not have to go in reversed direction once the round is completed, but in my . The whole family appreciates you for your warm words and your touching speech. The life created here is beautiful. In thus seek- ing pardon you say the name of the act as a substitute for the act. The person who is dying should be in a virtuous state of mind in the moments before death, because a better . When a simpleton abused him, Lord Buddha listened to him in silence, but when the man had finished, the Buddha asked him, "Son, if a man declined to accept a present offered to him, to whom would it belong?" The man answered, "To him who offered it." "My son," Buddha said, "I decline to accept your abuse. Do that for a while. Death for a Buddhist should be a smooth, peaceful process—death is natural and inevitable. I am provided with warmth from the sun, oxygen from the trees, protection from the atmosphere, and so much more. Sometimes this makes them even angrier and even more rude, but once they walk away and think about it, they'll think, "That person was really nice to me and I took out my frustrations on them. Thank You Buddha Quotes Buddha — Leader Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha, was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. Why I call myself a Buddhist May 27, 2011 Mandy Sutter 31 When I became a Mitra (friend) of the Triratna Buddhist Community earlier this year, I was surprised by the surprise of my non-Buddhist friends. "Many people underestimate the power of the hand-written thank you note. The following phrases from Buddha express that sentiment, even if they do not explicitly say the words, 'thank you.' "Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace."