what does petruchio convince kate to say about the sunhighest number of points on driving licence

How does Petruchio continue to kill Kate with kindness? Initially, Katherina is an unwilling participant in the relationship; however, Petruchio "tames" her with various Who is Bianca's father? Act 2 Scene 1 Key Scene. Villain, I say, knock me here soundly. What is Christopher Sly's profession? Then God be blessed, it is the blessed sun, But sun it is not when you say it is not, And the moon changes even as your mind. How does Petruchio prevent Kate from eating after their marriage? Shakespeare calls into questions whether these changes will stay the same forever or even be what it seems or is said to be. What you will have it named, even that it is, And so it shall be so for Katherine (Shakespeare IV.v.21-25). Furious, Katherina resists, but he carries her off. Tags: Question 19 . What does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun? PETRUCHIO I say it is the moon that shines so bright. To Servants. Petruchio then orders Kate to bring the other wives and give a speech telling them to honour their husbands always. Considering this, do Kate and Petruchio fall in love? Petruchio tells her that only a gentlewoman would wear such a hat, and she is not yet a gentlewoman. Additionally, what does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun? Petruchio arrives in Padua partly to visit friends but mainly to find a wealthy wife. On their way, they meet the real Vincentio, Lucentios father, who is on his way to visit his son. There she is away from the luxurious town life and is cold, hungry and tired. What is Christopher Sly's profession? By the plays end, Kate has been forced to give up speaking her mind. Even though the moon is shining, Petruchio tells her it is the sun. He accepts the challenge of taming Katherine and is confident in his ability to exercise male dominance over her. What does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun? SURVEY . Even when Petruchio is attempting to convince Kate of unrealistic nonsense, she is obedient and submissive. What you will have it nam'd, even that it is, And so it shall be so for Katherine. The Taming of the Shrew is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1590 and 1592.The play begins with a framing device, often referred to as the induction, in which a mischievous nobleman tricks a drunken tinker named Christopher Sly into believing he is actually a nobleman himself. 1. sings swwt as a nightingale. The main plot depicts the courtship of Petruchio and Katherina, the headstrong, obdurate shrew. He convinces her to say. The Taming of a Shrew is a controversial play written by William Shakespeare. But Petruchio must first win Kates love. Petruchio finds himself attracted to Kate's sense of humor and intelligence. What you will have it named, even that it is, And so it shall be so for Katherine (Shakespeare IV.v.21-25). Who pretends to be Lucentio's father? 1. But the Induction does also serve a purpose beyond the humor it provides when considering the theme of identity in Shrew. He pretends that the sun is the moon and demands that Kate go along with what he says. In order to convince Petruchio to continue, Kate says, Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, and be it moon, or sun, or what you please. Petruchio. Petruchio (an anglicisation of the Italian name Petruccio; Italian pronunciation: [petrutto]) is the male protagonist in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (c. 15901594). That it is black. (A) A wedding gown (B) Gloves (C) A dressmaker's dummy (D) A hat 21. Gender inequality. In this way, it should be the sun that he sees, not the moon, which represents the night. Meanwhile Petruchio and Katherine are traveling to Baptistas house. answer choices . It is daytime. 1. That it is cold. pedant. answer choices . Much good do it unto thy gentle heart! Petruchio is a gentleman who comes to Padua from Verona seeking a wife. KATHERINE I know it is the sun that shines so bright. Then Petruchio distracts Kate from her food by bringing in a tailor and a hat-maker who have been designing new clothes for Kate to wear on a trip back to Baptistas house. He stays calm when she yells and does exactly the opposite of what she expects him to do. The main themes of the play are marriage, gender roles and love, and reality vs. appearance. He convinces her to say it is the moon. That it is too dim. Tags: Question 19 . SURVEY . Thus, another similarity in the induction. Who pretends to be The play tells the story of Petruchio, a suitor eager to marry rich, who takes on the formidable task of wooing Katherine, a nobleman's daughter with a horrid temper. But sun it is not, when you say it is not, and the moon changes even as your mind. Quiz Flashcard. An if you please to call it a rush candle, henceforth I vow it shall be so for me.. He says they will turn back unless she agrees it is the moon. This means that Petruchio is succeeding in taming his wife. Travelling back to Padua, Katherina challenges Petruchios statements that the moon is the sun. The outfit functions as a kind of bait used to help convince Kate to recognize and comply with Petruchios wishes. What does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun?' The nobleman then has the play performed for Sly's diversion. Petruchio accepts her challenge with delight (and to get Baptistas money), passes all of her tests with ease and in fact does prove to be a suitable husband. The Taming of the Shrew (1590-1592) - Key takeaways. He fills in fellow servant Curtis about the harrowing journey they took Kate fell off her horse, Petruchio beat Gremio for the horses behavior (without helping Kate), then Kate broke them up. Petruchio starts to tame her from the very first time they meet. What does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun? In a short monologue, Petruchio proclaims in great detail just how his unorthodox approach will work. Petruchio convinces Katharina to The marriage deal is done between Petruchio and Baptista. While Kate is agreeing with Petruchio that Vincentio is a young maiden, she addresses Vincentio with the following speech: Young budding virgin, fair and fresh and sweet, Whither away, or where is thy abode? A lord. Is this response surprising, given what we have seen of her earlier in the play? Grumio, however, is one of the servants in Petruchios household. She agrees with him even though it is absurd. He's sure he can handle the most unruly woman so long as her dowry is ample. When he learns of Katherinas dowry he decides to marry her. And rap me well, or I'll knock your knave's pate. The moon? Petruchio is a gentleman who comes to Padua from Verona seeking a wife. Petruchio then announces, This is a way to kill a wife with kindness, and insists that she cannot eat his food because it is not good enough for her, keeps her from sleeping because his bed is Node your homework. That it is the moon. She reacts, as she always does, in fury. The two of them 'war with words' over who can be more powerful in their relationship. PETRUCHIO Now, by my mothers son, and thats myself, It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, Or eer I journey to your fathers house. He is loud, stubborn, and boisterousin some ways a male version of Katherine. He convinces her to say it is the moon. Bianca sends word back that she is busy and cannot come, the widow likewise, but Kate comes willingly--Petruchio has won the wager. While some of its observations remain pertinent, it is less than timeless. The third scene of Act VI opens on Kate and Grumio at Petruchio's house. Play as. Yes, seriously. Identity is a key theme in the play. Even to the uttermost, as I please, in words." (A) That it is black (B) That it is too dim (C) That it is cold (D) That it is the moon 9. The women return, and the other men bemoan their losses. He convinces her to say it is the moon. Answered by jill d #170087 8 years ago 1/5/2014 4:32 AM. What does Petruchio convince Kate to say about the sun? Petruchio, Kate, and Hortensio are on their way to Baptista Minola's house in Padua. 3. commend her voluability. Even when Petruchio is attempting to convince Kate of unrealistic nonsense, she is obedient and submissive. Taming of the Shrew Summary. How does the wooing go (2.1.182-281)? Why does Petruchio go to Padua? 2. looks clearer than the morning roses. Who pretends to be Lucentio's father? While Tranio, the fake Vincentio, and Baptista sign the He accepts the challenge of taming Katherine and is confident in his ability to exercise male dominance over her. At the wedding, according to Gremios report, Petruchio behaves rudely and abusively. His friend, Hortensio, informs him he knows just the woman, but the drawback is she is a shrew. Analysis. you are to blame. Act 4, Scene 3, lines 73-80. 3. she is mute. The first option has two parts: first, the idea that Kate, when treated by Petruchio the same way she treats everyone around her, comes to understand that her behavior is irresponsible and immature; and second, the idea that Kate suffers from Stockholm Syndrome and truly believes her own words when Petruchio forces He asks her to call objects and people what they are not. But he wants Kate to say thank you first, and she finally does. answer choices . Whom do Petruchio and Kate meet on the road back to Padua? The Gremio bursts into his masters house; he was sent ahead to ready everything for when the newlyweds arrive. (IV.v.18-22) Katherina has learned from Petruchio how to obtain her ends by using cleverness in addition to force. She will wear it or not go at all. Though it is midday, Petruchio comments on how brightly the moon is shining, and when Kate responds that the sun is shining, he refuses to continue the journey until she admits that When Grumio says without doubt to Hortensio that Petruchio will beat Kate in a words-related fight. The Merchant pretends to be Lucentio's father. The role has attracted notable performers. Then God be blest, it [is] the blessed sun, But sun it is not, when you say it is not; And the moon changes even as your mind. Petruchio is a wealthy bachelor who is on the prowl for a rich wife. How much has Kate had to say? It is a paltry cap. In this way, Petruchio renders Kate silent. Then God be blessed, it is the blessd sun. That it is black; That it is too dim; That it is cold; That it is the moon He convinces her to say it is the moon. " Both of these great and forced changes lifted up Kate and Sly to become more of a say yes person. Who tricks Sly? Its act 4 scene 5. In the comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare creates two contrasting marriage plotlines that comment on each other. They meet Vincentio. Katherine (Kate) Kate is the shrew of the story. In the Induction the Lord lowers himself, and becomes a servant, in order to convince Sly that he is a lord. The first is Petruchios courtship and taming of Katherina. William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew is a tale of spousal abuse and marital intrigue. He tells Baptista that he wealthy and Baptista welcomes Petruchios offer. of boots that have been candle-cases, one buckled, another laced, an old rusty sword ta'en out of the. On the way, Petruchio forces Katherine to say that the sun is the moon and that an old man is really a beautiful young maiden. He takes her away from the home she is used to, with servants and maids to wait on her hand and foot, to the country. What does Petruccio convince Kate to say about the sun? It is a comedy that features the 'shrew,' Katherine, who is 'tamed' by her husband Petruchio. Sequential Easy First Hard First. Petruchios treatment of Kate is abuse by any modern definition, and the play, on paper, is all for it: Kates final surrender is framed as Petruchios glorious victory, a