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Giraffes' necks may have evolved for sexual competition. He mostly ate her. The largest (longest-necked) males are dominant among other male giraffes and mate more frequently. C. They are caused by exceptionally harsh, short-term conditions. ____ 4) Which of the following is the most accurate summary of Cuvier's consideration of fossils found in Bracing for her future: Baby giraffe fitted with orthotic So did Kayla. E) If the giraffes did not have to compete with each other, longer necks would not have been passed on to the next generation. Giraffes evolved from antelopes, some of whom happened to have longer necks than others. All living things respond to changes in the world around them. All living things consume energy (they eat food), and use that energy for work, play, and growth. Perhaps the climate became drier, and leaves became scarcer. Answer: True. Not only was the ark without pedigree, it was without descendants also. But none of those other causal explanations make sense without specification of the final cause. Zach locates their centers and makes it fit. Heidi found it spicy. PERFECTLY! YouTube Trivia Answers Masterpost [WIP] :|: Lioden They describe how male giraffes fight by clubbing opponents with their large, massive heads; the neck plays the role of a muscular handle. AP Biology - Evolution Unit Practice Exam - Weebly Imagine a population of giraffes- some with short necks, some with medium length necks, and some with long necks. BBC Earth | Home The Giraffe’s Short Neck Noah's Ark Evolution Natural Selection Some giraffes had necks a little longer than the average. Eventually, a new species, with long necks evolved. All living things have the ability to reproduce, or procreate. D) Disuse of an organ may lead to its eventual disappearance. Welcome to BBC Earth, a place to explore the natural world through awe-inspiring documentaries, podcasts, stories and more. Biology Exam 2 D) Disuse of an organ may lead to its eventual disappearance. ____ 2) Natural selection is based on all of the following except The Four Causes of Behavior Mammals, like whales and giraffes, do so by giving birth to young. Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Evolution Therizinosaurus Evolution Darwin said that some are born with long necks that would spread through the population. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Exhibitionist & Voyeur 11/16/19: Be My Guest Ch. The sexual reason why giraffes have long necks 2022-06-08T00:58:47.778Z Paleontologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered that the elongation of the neck of the giraffes would not be part of the adaptation to feed but for sexual reasons. How the Giraffe Got Its Long Neck Creationists Kofahl and Segraves tell us that civilization quickly redeveloped after the flood because the survivors carried over the prediluvian culture: Noah lived 350 years afterwards, Shem 502 (The Creation Explanation, p. 227).During this time, people were fanning out and "replenishing the earth," … giraffes have long necks True or False: Giraffes can reach their ears with their tongues? C) Only favorable adaptations have survival value. Answer: True. Answer: True. ... with similar habitats are found to have similar characteristics even though they originated from different species that did not have these characteristics. E) If the giraffes did not have to compete with each other, longer necks would not have been passed on to the next generation. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 11/24/19 D) Disuse of an organ may lead to its eventual disappearance. True or False: Even though giraffe have longer necks they have the same number of vertebra as humans? Zach and Cleo do lunch. True. A reason giraffes have long necks is to let them browse high foliage; this final cause does not displace formal (variation and natural selection) and material (genetic) explanations; nor is it an efficient cause (Lamarkianism). Lamarck’s idea was that each would have to undergo separate, internal change. Chapter 22 Practice Quiz It explains how giraffes came to have such long necks, like those shown in the photo below. Over time trees get taller and it … News/Politics 2022-06-04T14:45:41.995Z. What were these mammals like before and why did they evolve like this? E) If the giraffes did not have to compete with each other, longer necks would not have been passed on to the next generation. 07: CURLING IRON (4.63) Kayla and Khloe discover the true calling of a Fitness Center. Time to pump iron. So did half the mall. C. Male giraffes wrestle with their necks over access to females. Likewise, he believed that wading birds, such as herons and egrets, evolved their long legs by stretching them to remain dry. C) Only favorable adaptations have survival value. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Each result suggests that long necks did not evolve specifically for feeding at higher levels… We thus find little critical support for the Darwinian feeding competition idea.” Their report, published in The American Naturalist (1996), undermines both Lamarck and Darwin’s neck-stretching leaf-eating theory. C) Only favorable adaptations have survival value. But there was a chance variation in neck length. Then, as now, giraffes fed on tree leaves. True or False: Giraffe hearts can pump 16 gallons of blood in one minute? Lamarck described his explanation that giraffes living under a tree with leaves would grow long necks to reach the leaves. In the past, giraffes had short necks. ... long-term changes in the environment. Therizinosaurus (/ ˌ θ ɛ r ə ˌ z ɪ n oʊ ˈ s ɔːr ə s /; meaning 'scythe lizard') is a genus of very large therizinosaurid that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now the Nemegt Formation around 70 million years ago. True or False: Giraffes have the largest eyes of any land mammal? Similar news: The sexual reason why giraffes have long necks 12 mins You may like. Between the span of 15 and 9 million years ago, these … giraffes What are the characteristics of life For example, Lamarck thought that giraffes evolved their long necks by each generation stretching further to get leaves in trees and that this change in body shape was then inherited. Since long-necked males mate more frequently, selection works in favor of long necks.