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Lenten recollection at English School, African Catholic Chaplaincy Finland by Hanna Kaisa Piironen, Study of Religions, University of Helsinki On Saturday 10 th of March, I arrived at the English School of Helsinki a few minutes after nine. At the Easter Vigil the Paschal Candle will be carried into a . Our minds have been described to be like untamed monkeys swinging from tree to tree. Like anything of nuance, prayer beckons us into its depth. To commence the season of Lent, the Parish Lenten Recollection was held last February 20, 2016 as facilitated by Our Lady of the Poor Parish' priest, Rev. On Palm Sunday, I spent the morning participating in a Lenten Recollection. The purpose of the Lenten season is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ to consider his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrection. Just the other day, we had our annual Lenten Recollection. Three young priests of the Diocese of Paranaque gave a series of recollection on the mercy of God from March 21-23, 2016. The recollection day was a virtual conference through . Lent is the ideal time to unmask these and other temptations, to allow our hearts to beat once more in tune with the vibrant heart of Jesus. Examination of oneself entails sincerity and humility of heart. We recognize life as a precious gift from God, and re-turn our lives towards Jesus Christ. This recollection is twofold: one which may be acquired by our own efforts aided by the . On Feb. 21, I attended a Lenten recollection at De La Salle Zobel by Fr. It includes the withdrawal of the mind from external and earthly affairs in order to attend to God and Divine things. Home About Us About the Lay Salvatorians in the Philippines Statement of Purpose The Formation Process Lay Salvatorian Beginnings in the Philippines The Members Ministry and Profile of Members TIME-OUT: A Lenten Recollection for Families. There was the "total fast" that preceded all major feasts or sacramental events. A Christian retreat is often referred to as a definite time spent away from one's normal life for the purpose of reconnecting, usually in prayer, with God. Lenten love chains can be used to decorate a classroom or another area. John Paul reflected on the "Sacraments as the expression of God's Mercy". TIME-OUT: A Lenten Recollection for Families. I'm so glad you're joining me and many others during this holy season. 2. Highlight the significance of the forty days. Mark stressed and highlighted the importance of prayer not only in the season of Lent but also in our everyday lives. The following six reflections correspond to the six weeks of Lent and are based on the lectionary readings for each week. In observance of the lenten season where Christian believers are called to reawaken one's spiritual journey in general, the MHAM employees joined together for a moment of reflection and renewal of commitment in a lenten recollection held at the MHAM AVRs 4 and 5 last April 17, 2019 from 4:00 in the afternoon to 6:30 in the evening. The public and other devotees are invited to attend the recollections. Module for Lenten recollection. By Javier Gomez. Sometimes . The Quiapo Church (Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene) in Manila is holding a parish wide Lenten recollection at the church every Tuesday until March 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. as part of the formation program of the ministry headed by Fr. Fr. We become more Christ-like when we copy his self-sacrificial love and let go of what we erroneously assume is important. Lenten recollection organized by the CSAPG and the OLCM. Begin your fast and do it "privately." (don't look like you're fasting, don't tell it to anyone) Expect that the first 2-3 days would be very difficult and it may have some physical side effects. Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu "A Conversion Believe God has forgiven you, because he is Merciful. After ignoring Lent for the majority of my life, I've paid more attention to it during the last two decades. #Lent#Kwaresma#KatolikongPinoy#tvmaria#iWorshipiInspireYouTube Live Streaming: TV Maria LIVEYou may also watch us on:Sky Cable Channel 210SatLite Channel 102. Lent is meant to help us to deepen our relationship with Christ, and to prepare our souls for death. Lent is often described as a time of preparation and an opportunity to go deeper with God. How would the culture be preserved? Lent, which comes from an Anglo-Saxon word for "spring," can be viewed . Fr. Lenten season is designed to provide guidance for individuals and groups in the spiritual practices associated with Lent. And guide us to your will, to the need of our soul, for we cannot do it ourselves. The tree represents thoughts. According to Socrates, the theory of recollection is that all knowledge is known from previous experience. A retreat refreshes and revitalizes, gives the opportunity for more time spent in prayer and contemplation, and rekindles and deepens one's relationship with God. Join Faith Watch TV's Team +JMJ+ and reflect on the importance of prayer, scripture, fasting, and almsgiving. He stressed the importance of allowing God's Word, through contemplation of and praying with Scripture . About midway, following much wonderful music and meditation, we broke off into smaller groups of 5 - 6 people to discuss a message of compassion which Pope Francis had delivered in the Philippines in January of this year. "Offering becomes genuine if it comes with a facet of sacrifice," said Father Del Rosario. Serge Maniba. Contemplation, again, is the source that feeds all life in Christ, and at the . Ash Wednesday, the day after Mardi Gras, usually begins with a service where we: -recognize our mortality, -repent of our sins, and -return to our loving God. As noted during the . The importance of recollections and retreat lies in the need of the students in creating difference in their life in general. . Fr. 5. On the first day of the Recollection, Bishop Teodoro Bacani gave a discourse on Forgiveness . Therefore, the purpose of recollection is to remember, to unite, or to gather our minds. Giving Up vs. The tree represents thoughts. Lent was a season to do something extra for God, not to give something up. A Reflection on Lenten Fasting. . He recognizes the importance of true and . In the first talk, Fr Jose began by quoting the scriptural verse from Colossians 3:12 which sums up the theme on Affective and Celibate maturity. The monkey represents the mind. We would like to invite anyone interested to a short Lenten Recollection this coming Saturday, March 7 from 10am to 12noon to be given by Fr. Ideas for Lenten Repentance. 4. 639 Words. As noted during the . Explain that your child has an opportunity, during the forty days of Lent, to be like Jesus. Their experiences range from pious and traditional to creative and out-of-the-ordinary, but all of them represent attempts to make the season of Lent a meaningful time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. Invite family members to share their thoughts, hopes, and desires for Lent. Despite the extended lockdown, particularly for seniors, CHSAF continued to pursue its goal of providing spiritually enriching activities for its alumni. Mark Emman Sese. It is the same as interior solitude in which the soul is alone with God.. During Lent, many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial, and spiritual discipline. During the recollection, Fr. We're Continue reading. Lenten recollection at English School, African Catholic Chaplaincy Finland by Hanna Kaisa Piironen, Study of Religions, University of Helsinki On Saturday 10 th of March, I arrived at the English School of Helsinki a few minutes after nine. Indeed, repetition in prayer can be a valuable way to come to know more deeply . Uploaded on Oct 08, 2014. It is a spiritual retreat which is held during Lenten season for a recharging, refreshing and restoration of our soul and our whole being. If playback doesn't begin . Tell your child that Lent lasts for forty days because that's how long Jesus wandered in the desert, fasting, while he resisted Satan's temptations. The monkey as we have seen in zoos or in the wild is not . In these pages, some of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary's faculty and program directors offer fresh insights and practical ideas to foster the spiritual nourishment of your congregationand yourself. . Why ashes? Mark stressed and highlighted the importance of prayer not only in the season of Lent but also in our everyday lives. From Lent through Easter is both an important and an especially busy time for pastors and Christian leaders. During special seasons such as Lent, the Mass readings are thematically coordinated and make for a fantastic Bible study! Venusto Suarez. The first reflection will help you experience Ash Wednesday as an invitation to the season of Lent. The monkey as we have seen in zoos or in the wild is not . John Paul del Rosario. Exegesis - A light introduction (you will do more digging) Sermon . March 22 -Laetare Sunday The Fourth Sunday of Lent Readings: 1 SM 16:1B, 6-7, 10-13A; PS 23: 1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6.; EPH 5:8-14; JN 9:1-41. John Paul del Rosario from Madonna del Divino Amore Quasi Parish, St. James the Great Parish, began the series of talks on Holy Monday, after the 7pm Mass, Fr. Rev. How to Practice Lent 1. Lent is also the time where we prepare and repent for our sins. As we are going to apply ashes, marking the start of Lent, it is also a reminder to us that we are all going to die and we must be mindful of our actions . Fr. And make our mind steadfast in your will and aware of our . LENT IS ABOUT THE LOVE OF GOD IN SPITE OF SIN - A Lenten Recollection with Fr. Fr. We become more Christ-like when we copy his self-sacrificial love and let go of what we erroneously assume is important. Fr. 110 at La Consolacion School. March 9-10 Lenten Recollection (Sr.Meny Vera Cruz, rc) Lent is that sacred time when we remember the depths of God's love for us expressed in the mysteries of Passion, Death and Resurrection. Over the forty days of Lent, we too are able to sacrifice in order to emulate Christ. The Vigil Project: "The VIGIL Project is a community of artists, musicians, and filmmakers that produce a multimedia resource for deep prayer and authentic encounter with God."The first series they created focuses on songs for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. The practice of receiving ashes dates back to the fifth century and became a universal Christian practice by the 11th . However we retreat, I am interested in why . The importance of the Blessing of Fire and Baptismal Water on Easter Vigil. Get to confession at least once during the season of Lent after making a good examination of conscience. The monkey represents the mind. During the recollection, Fr. Theory of Recollection. Fr. Throughout the Lenten season, Father encourages us to invest in prayer of self-examination, and he provides practical assistance in the method of . During the six-week season of Lent, we are encouraged by the Church to engage in three spiritual practices - prayer, penance, and almsgiving. His belief is that we already know everything and have known it since we were born, we simply recall these facts from memory when we re-learn them. He reminded us why Christ's death was a true offering and supreme act of sacrifice. To listen to the first conference, on the spiritual desert of Lent and the importance of silence, please click below: Prepare for your Holy Week fast by slowly getting your body accustomed to your kind of fasting. Allow themselves the opportunity to feel the collision of pain caused by negative words, ideas, and deeds with the strong desire for goodness that God asks of every person. 40 Songs for 40 Days by Steubenville Conferences: An amazing list of 40 contemporary songs to help guide your prayer time this Lent. (like bad breath, because your body is . Why? The goal is that by the end of Lent we will be in a better place than when we started. We should be closer to Jesus by the end of Lent by working on issues in our spiritual life and removing sins which keep us from God. Name the pressing sin. 1. 7. The whole of the Lenten season is imbued with this conviction, which we could say is echoed by three words offered to us in order to rekindle the heart of the believer: pause, see and return. Cecil's talk was about The Season of Lent. View Lent-Recollection-Module-2021.pdf from LIT. 1:00 pm Opening Conference - Archbishop Rozanski. Date: Saturday, March 12, 2022 - 1:00pm. If you have the opportunity, confess your sins to a priest. To recollect is to remember, to unite, and to gather. Peter Coching. Louie, who facilitated the one-day activity. In Plato's "Phaedo," he makes an argument through the character Socrates that we possess innate knowledge at birth and it is recovered through our sense perception of material particulars. Ian VanHeusen presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercise on the Gospel of John 3:14-21, when Jesus proclaims Himself the Light of the World. 3336 Views Download Presentation. To commence the season of Lent, the Parish Lenten Recollection was held last February 20, 2016 as facilitated by Our Lady of the Poor Parish' priest, Rev. Active recollection may be acquired by our own efforts aided by the ordinary grace of God.Thus any devout soul can acquire the habit of thinking of God's presence and of fixing attention upon Him and his Divine perfections. start of the holy season of Lent, it is important that each person pause to look back and reflect on the thoughts and actions of time passed. A Lenten Recollection. About midway, following much wonderful music and meditation, we broke off into smaller groups of 5 - 6 people to discuss a message of compassion which Pope Francis had delivered in the Philippines in January of this year. ; Passive recollection does not depend upon our own efforts, but is an extraordinary grace infused by God, by which He summons together the faculties of the soul and . This retreat will be a time to reflect on these mysteries and give thanks for the great and merciful love of God for us. Why Are Pancakes Eaten on Shrove Tuesday Before Lent? Lent allows us to honor that sacrifice by giving up our distractions, so that we may truly rejoice in God during Easter. If you're looking for a way to spend more time with the Lord and with your family during this Lent, this Online Lenten Recollection is definitely for you! Answer: Think about most of human existence, which did not include written records. Many saints have described it as an apprenticeship to Jesus in the desert. Christ the King Parish, Green Meadows. CLIFTON Reflecting on one of Jesus' miracles the raising of Lazarus, found in the Gospel of John Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, was the keynote speaker for a Lenten Day of Recollection, sponsored by the Diocesan Commission of Catholic Filipino Ministries (DCCFM) March 6. If you're looking for a way to spend more time with the Lord and with your family during this Lent, this Online Lenten Recollection is definitely for you! He recognizes the importance of true and . The importance of the Lent season is that we reflect on Christ's passion and resurrection and how he has saved us from our sins. This Lenten Day of Recollection featured two conferences, a Mass and homily, Stations of the Cross, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity for confession. "Communion is the wellspring of our mission. Or by the old, who could remember how it used to be, or what happened when [x] last occurred, or what that other tribe was like? There can be great benefit to sitting with a particular piece more than once, allowing it to deepen within ourselves and letting God's message for us continue to unfold. Join Faith Watch TV's Team +JMJ+ and reflect on the importance of prayer, scripture, fasting, and almsgiving. To begin, recollection is not . We are inviting the whole Thomasian community to attend the Online Institutional Lenten Recollection, organized by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Religious Affairs and the Center for Campus Ministry, on March 19, 2021, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m, via livestream. The significance of the number 40, as this is used a lot of time in the Bible, which generally means preparation. A Lenten Recollection. Our goal for this brief talk is to take some time to reflect a little on the seeds that have been sown by Pope Francis. On Palm Sunday, I spent the morning participating in a Lenten Recollection. 3. . In recollection and contemplation - kindred but not identical attitudes - we encounter two more basic constituents of religious life. Edwin Mercado will facilitate the recollection on March 5 and will . Lent, because of the many different congregational traditions on this day. In the early Church and, to alesser extent still today, there were two fasts. Lent can help establish a stronger sense of one's need of God minute by minute and to develop a more disciplined, intimate, and authentic prayer life. The Immeasurable Value of Retreat. La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc. (formerly Holy Child School) Brgy. In its simplest terms, Lent is the season when we refocus ourselves on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I thi. Mark Emman Sese. In a restless world of discord and disconnection, Lent helps us to deepen our discipleship with Christ and better live our Vincentian charism. Lenten Recollection and Renewal of Commitment Christ is the Son of God, sent to bring Salvation and eternal life to the world which is in chaos. Growing Anselm Manalastas, OSB on March 27, 2021, Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Manila Time. As one of the oldest observations in Christendom, Lenten tradition has changed over the years, but its purpose has always been the same: self-examination and penitence, demonstrated by self-denial, in preparation for Easter. One may take this opportunity to more clearly hear God's call and to seek God's healing grace and thereby attain a degree of spiritual renewal. Through prayer, reflection and . The process of learning is recollection and the body plays a central role. Lent: Preparing for Spiritual Growth. Therefore, the purpose of recollection is to remember, to unite, or to gather our minds. Robert Manansala OFM. The Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion's (EMHC) annual Lenten Recollection, which includes EMHC spouses as well as retired EMHCs, was held last March 3, 2018, Saturday, at the St. Luke's Room, facilitated by Fr. This module c ontains: Theological re flections Firs t week of L ent lessons and worksheet s First retreat and recollection is a opportunity for every students most importantly for Catholic Christian school because not all students is given this kind of chance. For people whose lives are generally easy, Lent is a time to empathize better with those who genuinely go without luxuries or even simple needs. In an act of unparalleled sacrifice, Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. 2022 Lenten and Easter Reflections. 2014-04-01 05:21:24. The ancient name for this fast was "statio" from the verb "sto, stare" to stand watch, on guard or in vigil. What is the importance of Lenten recollection? In Jewish and Christian history, ashes are a sign of mortality and repentance. Want this question answered? Each chapter of this series includes these features (and a few more): Note to the Pastor - Some pastoral background . Think of the aspect, attitude, behavior, or action that you want to change and take action. Lent allows us to honor that sacrifice by giving up our distractions, so that we may truly rejoice in God during Easter. 3 Pages. As I learned in a retreat at Corhaven last month, a retreat in America is usually in a group, but in Europe, it is usually a personal endeavor. In our case, we had a priest, Fr. A Lenten Recollection was organised by the Office for Lay Collaboration in Ministry (OLCM) and the Catholic Secretaries and Admin Professionals Guild (CSAPG) for Secretaries and Admin Professionals on Saturday, 24 th March, 2018 from 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at Salvation Seva Kendra Hall, Dadar. The New Zealand Catholic Bishops speak of the importance of this kind of forgiveness which can heal and reinvigorate communities to continue walking the path ahead. Recollection is a condition of all truly wakeful and deep modes of living, and hence indispensable for our transformation in Christ. The second fast was a fast of abstinence from . . Add an answer. Reflection: Light is one of the most beautiful images we have in our faith. Importance Of Recollection In Plato's Phedo. Recollection, as understood in respect to the spiritual life, means attention to the presence of God in the soul. And these are the points that struck me most: 1. What Are the Key Days During Lent? The first part of Fr. The Seminary organised a one-day recollection for the community on Ash Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, which was preached by Fr Jose Parappully of the Sumedha Centre, Jeolikote, Uttarakhand, on the theme: "Formation for Celibacy". LENT REFLECTIONS 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome to this great Lenten journey! Dave ConcepcionFacebook Page: Sta Maria Goretti-FB Livehttps://www.facebook.c. Schedule. Know that your church's traditions will also guide the formation of disciples. Lent is the time for us to do so. Wiki User. Lent is the 40 days (not including Sundays) from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday before Easter. Lenten season is a season where all of us have given an opportunity to examine ourselves. A bare tree can be made of twigs, felt, or paper and an ornament is added for each day in Lent; the ornament symbolizes a Bible story that the family reads together. The Lord's Flock Community's traditional 3-day Lenten Recollection went virtual, allowing us members and guests alike, all of the differing time zones, to reflect together on the passion of Jesus Christ on the cross in the safety of our own homes. To assist catechists and parish catechetical leaders in preparing and celebrating with children during this sacred time, Sadlier is pleased to offer a number of inspirational and practical resources. This means that it's a time for personal reflection that prepares people's hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter. Holy Wednesday (March 27, 2013) 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Meralco Main Theater. To recollect is to remember, to unite, and to gather. Participants will reflect and receive the grace of God. To look where we are now in our personal and communal journey as Christian, as followers of Christ. Father Leonard opened the door and kindly welcomed me to the event, African Catholic Chaplaincy's one day lenten retreat. CHSAF honored the Lenten Season by holding a Lenten Recollection presided by. Parishioners, their guests, and all throughout the Archdiocese are invited to join Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski and the clergy of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis for a Lenten Day of Recollection and Reconciliation on Saturday, March 12, 2022. Children write A Time for Connection The fruit of time spent in reflection and prayer is a deeper connection with God, oneself, our neighbor, and the poor. Lord God Almighty, shaper and ruler of all creatures, we pray for your great mercy, that you guide us towards you, for we cannot find our way. Course:MAED - English. Our minds have been described to be like untamed monkeys swinging from tree to tree. We believe that as human beings we have both strengths and limitations. Lenten season has already begun for Christian communities around the world. By the young, who were still learning it? Basic requirement for this: an open mind and an open heart. Father Leonard opened the door and kindly welcomed me to the event, African Catholic Chaplaincy's one day lenten retreat. The online recollection will start with the praying of the Stations of the Cross . 3 Questions To Examine Your Heart During Lent. If you are not sure why confession is important, get my CD "Who Needs Confession." 8. March 4, 2018. It started on Ash Wednesday, a day in which we go to church to receive ashes on the forehead to signify "we are dust and to dust we return.". It states, "As God . Children can also create a Jesus Tree for Lent that is similar to the Jesse Tree for Advent. Lenten is from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Stories. Lent Prayer for Strength and Guidance. 2. If playback doesn't begin . Invitation to Prayer: Lord, Let your Light Shine in our Hearts this day. 10 Prayers for Lent.