bill gates grandmother planned parenthood

bill gates grandmother planned parenthood

Many here: . The appeal seeks a reversal of a hefty $16 million total judgment brought against him and three co-defendants in a retaliatory lawsuit brought by Planned Parenthood after an undercover journalism project exposed their involvement in the illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts. It is exactly what the Nazis did, and it is what Margaret Sanger believed and practiced all her life. Bill Gates, Sr. inspired his son to delve into population control, which is what prompted Gates and his wife Melinda to use the red herring of "reproductive health" to further their goal of reducing the . He practiced law until 1998, primarily with the law firm which he co-founded as Shidler & King in 1964, later known as Preston Gates & Ellis LLP; the firm was merged into the firm now known as K&L Gates, although Bill Gates, Sr. is not affiliated with the firm. 21:10 - Bill Gates relationship with Jeffrey Epstein - the child sex trafficker. . From his mother's banking family he inherited a "nose for the dollar," as one childhood friend's father called it. "A young family with two children carrying crosses or a grandmother praying the . Bill Gates' grandmother, Margaret Sanger, founded Planned Parenthood in order to exterminate black people: 12/23/20: 10: In 1998, Gates retired from Preston Gates & Ellis. Elon Musk confirmed leaked texts show him turning down a philanthropic opportunity with Bill Gates after asking the . In Part 2, he laid out Gates' plan to vaccinate the global population against COVID-19 (although . By putting big business on watch through our extensive research on the most important issues of the day, our mission is to expose the corporate influence on matters of culture and policy and turn the tide on . "Planned Parenthood is a money-making machine that profits from their abortion business," stated Brejcha. Today, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent billions on population control in Africa and throughout the Third World. Richards told George Stephanopoulos there was "no financial benefits" from harvesting aborted baby body organs. Bill Gates posted a Twitter thread about the Omicron variant. One of a line of businessmen named William H. Gates, and sometimes called William Gates Jr. in . 00:00. Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the . 10 Disturbing Facts African-Americans Should Know About Eugenics Bill Gates' Involvement With Eugenics Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., was the head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. William Henry Gates II served in World War II, got his law degree through the GI Bill and set up the law practice of Shidler & King in 1964. When Bill Gates divulged this information, it was clear that he felt proud of his father for his . 2ndVote exposes the corporations and organizations funding liberal advocacy. In 1965, the Rockefeller Foundation was a significant donor to the International Planned Parenthood Federation ( Source ). The Eugenics Foundation Of Bill Gates' Father. " Bill Gates . Gates also served on the board of Planned Parenthood. WSJ U.S. editor Glenn Hall joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero and explains the surprise move by the grand jury. He is the father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Marc Little is the author of The Prodigal Republican: Faith and Politics. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. At one time last year, a reader of mine posted a group photo from 2001 of a meeting in a comment on one of my blog posts. Melinda Gates is the "Margaret Sanger Remix". In 1998, Gates retired from PGE. Bill and Melinda Gates announced the end of their marriage in a tweet Monday, May 3, 2021. Planned Parenthood has grown from a single New York City birth control clinic opened by eugenics supporter Margaret Sanger in 1921 into a $1 billion organization with 820 clinics where 300,000 . SNIP Bill Moyers interview of Bill Gates. Gates joint philanthropic venture with his ex-wife, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has also donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood and Family Planning. The Christian Post presents some quotes from Gates's Rolling Stone interview that I find pretty amusing. Video: "Bill Gates My Father Headed Planned Parenthood" 30 second audio clip mirrored from Infowars. From his mother's banking family he inherited a "nose for the dollar," as one childhood friend's father called it. Bill Gates Jr. and Bill Gates Sr. are affiliated with hundreds of foundations and . According to Wikipedia: In a 2003 interview with Bill Moyers, Bill Gates recalled, " When I was growing up, my parents were almost involved in various volunteer things. About 2ndVote. In 1995, he founded the Technology Alliance, whose mission is to expand technology-based employment in Washington. She's always paid out of pocket: $30 to $35 a month for birth control, about $800 every two years for her Pap smear. Since its founding in 2000, the charity has given $81 million to the pro-choice organization. Planned Parenthood (From Eugenics to Population Control) After all, we've been researching the man who openly and on video praises the book: " How to lie with statistics "! wisdom and wit of Trevor's beloved South African grandmother Frances Noah, who . We must force the Gates to abandon their eugenics agenda and take their hands off of the black family. On Thursday Planned Parenthood apologized for the "tone" of their ghoulish employee discussing the harvesting of baby body parts over wine and salad. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In the photo was George Soros, William Gates Sr. (Former Planned Parenthood President and Bill's father), Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and David . A prominent banker and lawyer, William H. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics and "philanthropy". Bill Gates Sr., father of Microsoft co-founder, has died at 94 . Gates supervised the distribution of about $500 million. TikTok video from GodKingOlorun (@godkingolorun): "If you don't think they haven't been trying to reduce the population look up Marget Singer she is the founder for Planned Parenthood as well a known Eugenics . Also, lol at him/people thinking that Bill Gates having a patent on a "Coronavirus" means it was Covid-19 and this was all planned.Coronavirus is an umbrella term for a lot of viruses including the common cold.Yeah, Bill Gates is untrustworthy, but medical science illiteracy is driving this theory. Wade, Senator Amy Klobuchar talks about the threat to abortion rights, and Bill Gates discusses his book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic." . 737 Likes, 29 Comments. Bill Gates also has been spoken on Population Control and has taken many countries in Africa so-called vaccines. Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. See this 30 second video mirrored from Infowars. SOURCE: Celebrating My Father's 90th Birthday. We must force the Gates to abandon their eugenics agenda and take their hands off of the black family. The young Bill Gatestechnically "William H. Gates, III," although his card-playing family dubbed him "Trey"learned much from his parents. So, on this premise, the Birth Control Federation of America (later named Planned Parenthood) designed two southern Negro Project "demonstration programs" to show "how medically-supervised birth control integrated in to existing public health services could improve the general welfare of Negroes, and to initiate a nationwide educational program." "I became a mother when I wanted to become a mother, thanks to organizations like Planned Parenthood who provided me with . Kate Smith is not a reporter at all. Jan. 7, 2022. That fact was admitted by Bill Gates back in May 2003 in an interview, with veteran broadcaster Bill Moyers, where Gates stated that:-My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood health center last month was deliberately set, fire officials said Thursday. 18:50 - Eugenics Record Office. Geoffrey Grider | NTEB - This disgusting video shows a giddy and gleeful Bill Gates laughing as he brags about 'injecting genetically modified organisms into little kid's arms', it is painful to watch. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. Gates also served on the board of Planned Parenthood. And so it's fascinating. Bill Gates' father was a staunch eugenicist and headed Planned Parenthood. "I care, because I'm a mother and I'm a mother by choice," Ferrare said into the megaphone. Newman's 68-page brief was one of four appeals briefs filed . The Affleck/Garner/Lopez family is officially blended and we've got photo evidence to prove it. In July 1912, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes and other leaders in the early race-cleansing eugenics movement held their first international conference in London. Print page. In yet another Margaret Sanger parallel, Bill Gates described his father once glowingly as former "head of Planned Parenthood". Last weekend Planned Parenthood President Cecille Richards appeared on This Week ABC Sunday morning and defended the organization against the baby organ harvesting videos. In the era before Roe v. . cecile richards, the abortion champion and president of planned parenthood, is on record lauding abortion activists as "troublemakers, and hell-raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened planned parenthood health centers in their communities, and demanded the right to control their own bodies" at the women's march in washington d.c. last Yet, these two individuals have been presented to the public as concerned for your health and well-being. 4) Born in Seattle, Washington, currently lives in Medina, Washington 9 miles from Seattle; AGE 65 William Henry Gates III ("Bill") Oct 28, 1955 (1 wife who possibly a man; 3 kids) FATHER HEAD OF FAMILY PARENTHOOD. He practiced law until 1998, primarily with the law firm which he co-founded as Shidler & King in 1964, later known as Preston Gates & Ellis LLP; the firm was merged into the firm now known as K&L Gates, although Bill Gates, Sr. is not affiliated with the firm. Among the leading topics of discussion were how to stop poor and "unfit" African women from breeding.Exactly 100 years later, the Bill and Melinda Gates . May 4As Jennie Ferrare stood in front of the crowd in downtown Portland on Tuesday evening, her children sat nearby in a red stroller with a Planned Parenthood sign on the front. 16:00 - Humans must justify their existence. Now in a new place without a job, she needs help, and she hates asking for it . Bill Gates Series Part 02 (Bill Gates, Plan to Vaccinate the World) (28:15 minutes) Bill Gates Series Part 03 (Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid) (37:02 minutes) Bill Gates Series Part 04 (Meet Bill Gates) (38:59 minutes) Unlike many news and information platforms, 4cminews is free to read, and always will be. . Bill Gates' parents, like Gates, were actively involved in their community and in charitable causes. Although Rockefeller himself believed in folk medicine, the billionaire listened to his experts, and Gates convinced him that . The pandemic could still end in 2022 if we take the right steps, like masking up and getting vaccinated. Video: "Bill Gates My Father Headed Planned Parenthood" 32) And another death in the peaceful and harmonious Kollyfornia where rapper Slim 400 was shot dead . . Importantly, Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood (PP) during the group's infancy a re-branded organisation birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. The Gates Foundation is also a big contributor to Planned Parenthood. Some shared a post from an apocalyptic blog called Tricentennial, which carried the incendiary headline, "BILL GATES' FATHER RAN PLANNED PARENTHOOD, HIS MOTHER CREATED MICROSOFT, TOGETHER THEY. Marc Little is the author of The Prodigal Republican: Faith and Politics. Bill Gates' father was the president of Planned Parenthood, an organization which ostensibly acts in favor of " the protection and expansion of reproductive rights ", but whose history is deeply-rooted in eugenics. Lakewood church, do you really want to be associated with Bill Gates?