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the 3rd estate wanted political and social reform. As a result, it upheaved Europe's status quo marking the beginning of the end of Monarchy in Europe. Possible influences: 1. The Social Contracted provided a stable foundation for a future government that the Revolution would create. It generated ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity which crossed the boundaries of France and influenced whole of Europe. The Social Contract is a model that describes the origin of society and the legitimacy of the state over the individual. However, its impact was unfathomable. This didn't come without a negative impact. Enlightenment- Two of the three big ideas: The king rules only with the consent of people, all people are equal before the law; people started to feel that there are problems in the society 2. Nevertheless, "La Volonté Générale" (the "General Will"), which appears in his influential book Du contrat social ou principes du droit politique, (Social Contract) is nothing more than a utopian dream. the popular slogan liberty, equality, fraternity, is an ex of the impact of which idea on the french revolution. Paris. Such was the impact of the revolution that evolved the democratic form of government which is followed almost by all the countries in world today giving equal rights and opportunity to each and every citizen irrespective of race, religion, social and financial status.. This essay discusses the french revolution of the 18th century, that had significant impact on its neighbouring countries as . The French Revolution. The French Revolution Liberty Equality Fraternity 1 Key Concept: How did the Enlightenment evolve and affect society and government? French Revolution, also called Revolution of 1789, revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799 and reached its first climax there in 1789—hence the conventional term "Revolution of 1789," denoting the end of the ancien régime in France and serving also to distinguish that event from the later . The French Revolution marked a turning point in the history of the Western World. The Social Contract outlined the beliefs of the French Revolution and provided a goal for the People to try to attain. 3 Rousseau's idea of the Social Contract was modeled from the . Locke believed that the government's duty was to protect the rights of the citizens.Locke believed all people were born free and equal with 3 natural rights. Answer (1 of 2): There is no question that the French were attempting to restructure the Balance of Power with Britain after the Seven Years' War by peeling off the Anglo-American colonies. It dethroned the Church from its sacred position and, to the shock of a whole continent, denounced Christianity itself. The Causes of the French Revolution. natural rights. The people of France rose up in defiance of exploitative and repressive values that had existed for centuries. Almost every idea at word in the Revolution stems from the Enlightenment. The French Revolution was a watershed moment in European history. Among casual readers, he is known as the muse of the Jacobins in the French Revolution. The French Revolution was heavily inspired by the ideas and writings of philosophers during the Enlightenment. The main social cause of the French Revolution was the high population density in the country. It was the first great uprising of the people against the autocracy of the ruler. Did the American Revolution have a revolutionary impact on American life? The dreamt-of French people's state was to be the ultimate safeguard of French liberty. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's thoughts and texts, such as the Social Contract, instilled the . The French Revolution was inspired by the philosophies of Locke and Rousseau. The king granted women the right to vote, French citizens claimed their natural rights, The king raised taxes to pay off the public debt, or, French citizens supported the king against the nobles. The country was divided into three social classes with the two top classes . "The Social Contract" was Rousseau's most important contribution to his time, and to philosophy in general. These great thinkers, including Voltaire, Mary Wollstonecraft, and John Locke, contributed their different ways of thinking to the ideas that became the Revolution. Rather than have a government which largely protects the wealth and the rights of the . why was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 an important event in the french revolution. One is that it called into question many aspects of French society under the Bourbons (the privileges of the clergy, for example . He brought to light these new ideas, and they would have a lasting effect for the years to come. Rousseau, in his book 'Social Contract', announced that sovereign power lay in popular will. Origin of the Term Influenced by the new ideas of the Enlightenment, the American Revolution 17651783 is usually considered the starting point of the Age of Revolution. It saw the shocking execution of a King at the hands of the people. There were many causes for the french revolution but the 2 things that mostly fed into it were the unfairness of the first and second estate and the crude treatment that the two gave to the third estates. Impact of Locke and Rousseau on the Revolution. The popular image persists of Robespierre quoting passages from the Social Contract while simultaneously ordering executions. The French society before 1789 is referred to as the Ancien Régime. The 3 natural rights were life, liberty, and property. The French Revolution was undoubtedly influenced by the political theorists of the Enlightenment. which type of gov did the constitution of 1791 est. John Locke was a French philosopher and was interested in how a citizen and a government interact together, in times of peace and in times of tension. The king could give to someone a title of nobility but this status was usually acquired by birth. In France the clergy and nobility did not pay taxes like the common people. Enlightenment writers and thinkers . Of the thinkers credited to the model, the concept of the theory describes the surrender of personal freedoms for the sake of given human rights. Immediate Cause of the Revolution: From Locke, an English philosopher who lived until 1704, came the ideas of empiricism, epistemology and the Social Contract. Rousseau was a major supporter of the French Revolution, and all revolutions in general. The Influence of the French Revolution: The French Revolution of 1789 is an important landmark in the history of Europe. Rousseau argued, in The Social Contract, that this contract between rulers and the ruled should be rethought. The Enlightenment was a long period of intellectual curiosity, scientific investigation and political debate. There were 3 orders in the society. France, a . Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Swiss-born French Enlightenment thinker most famous for the 1762, "The Social Contract." "The Social Contract" is Rousseau's most valued work due to its ties within the French Revolution. Check Writing Quality. Though most historians agree that the American Revolution influenced the French Revolution, which lasted from 1789-1799, some scholars debate the significance and extent of its impact. Impact Of John Locke And The French Revolution. Nov 9, 2015. This encouraged Enlightenment thinkers to question society and government: Locke (contract between government and governed) Montesquieu (checks and balances) Rousseau (individual freedom and . In reality, the Republic ended up violating "the rights of man" more rampantly and atrociously than Louis XVI would have ever been capable of. Overpopulation caused an unrelenting strain on natural resources in the country, and this led to a number of complications that eventually gave rise to the revolution. One of the most important was Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose works were . Jean-Jacques Rousseau is perhaps most famous or even infamous for two features associated with his work and its influence. Due to Louise XVI's absolute monarchy he had complete power . Two philosophers were particularly important : Montesquieu and his Spirit of the Laws, in which he advocates the separation of powers, and Rousseau and his Social contract, in which he postulates that the Sovereignty resides with the People only. On top, the nobility. How did the economic crisis lead to or cause the French Revolution? The Industrial Revolution, which began in the mid-1700s and lasted into the mid-1800s, was similarly a revolutionary experience. The writings of these three Enlightenment thinkers had a profound impact on the French Revolution, as they helped the citizens of France openly challenge the authority of the Old Regime in eighteenth-century France. The French Revolution Throughout history the french revolution led an extreme impact on the french society even till this day. group btn .search submit, .navbar default .navbar nav .current menu item after, .widget .widget title after, .comment form .form submit input type submit .calendar . Unfortunately, the American War spread into a wider (more global) conflict, with France loosing much of its. The Enlightenment was marked by a refusal to accept old knowledge, ideas and suppositions. Jean Jacques Rousseau was the inspiration behind conservative, liberal and socialist theory. The society was strongly divided by the status of the individuals and groups. It could be argued that it was the single seed that grew into a modern democracy. Influence of the American Revolution: The success of the Americans in their war for independence also encouraged the French people to protest against their exploitation by the aristocracy, the clergy and the state. The Revolution was the result of three related crises that fell upon France at the same time: a social crisis, a political crisis, and an economic crisis. The Revolution inflicted all of this, only to finally elevate one of its own sons as a despot. It even changed the very fabric of time, implementing a Revolutionary calendar and time . N. The people can choose to give or withhold this power. The influence of these thinkers drastically transformed French society, shaping the ideals of the French citizen. It undermined the centuries-old class structure in Europe and reorganized the economic and philosophical worldview of the West. Feudal France was neatly divided into three social classes, or Estates, with different jobs and privileges. Born in Geneva in 1712, Rousseau was shaped by the death of his mother and loss of his father at an early age. The French revolution might have only lasted a decade 1789-1899. The idea of the social contract is one of the foundations of the American political system . Get Custom Essay. It was in this context that the French Revolution occurred and stood . The ideas of two French political theorists in particular are easily seen throughout the French Revolution, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Baron Montesquieu. Which statement describes the impact of the idea of government as a social contract on the French Revolution in 1789? John Locke studied government and came to many conclusions; the role of government is to protect citizen's natural rights: Life, Liberty and . The Social Contract appeared several years prior to the French revolution; however it became one of the most influential texts during that period in France.1 Rousseau's work encouraged individual membership and participation within the state they belonged to, thus supported the basic democratic ideals of the French revolution. 2. This principle encouraged the American Constitution to hold elections and remove a president unable to perform their duties. John Locke teachings helped the Americans and the French during the revolutions positively. In the 18th century, Europe was ruled by monarchs of various dynasties, and they wielded absolute powers. It began in western Europe in the mid 17th century and continued until the end of the 18th century. It in turn inspired the French Revolution of 1789, which rapidly spread to the rest of Europe through its wars. The term "social contract" refers to the idea that the state exists only to serve the will of the people, who are the source of all political power enjoyed by the state. #2. The Social Crisis. The scientific revolution shattered long-held views about the universe. The Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution in several ways. It played a key role in establishing governments after the American Revolution and French Revolution. . The Social Causes. The social contract notion gave a reason to overthrow their monarchs and influenced both the American and French Revolutions. Along with the nobility and clergy they enjoyed hereditary privileges. Enlightenment- Rousseau and Montesquieu encourages changes in the government, freedom, equality, liberty; people: If the . Rousseau argued, in The Social Contract, that this contract between rulers and the ruled should be rethought. It increased material wealth, extended life, and was a powerful force for social change. Rather than have a government which largely protects the wealth and the rights of the . It questioned how the old world was governed by challenging the feudal system of France, the power of the church and the monarchy (Anirudh 2018). 33. 6 He wants to create the creature that is in tune with the needs of modern society and follows the political path outlined in the .