why is antarctica guarded

The Antarctic is a cold, remote area in the Southern Hemisphere encompassed by the Antarctic Convergence.The Antarctic Convergence is an uneven line of latitude where cold, northward-flowing Antarctic waters meet the warmer waters of the world's oceans.The Antarctic covers approximately 20 percent of the Southern Hemisphere. Why Is Antarctica Off Limits? Greenland is the world's largest island. Alan Light , Worked the summer of 2007-08 at South Pole and the winter of 2009 at McMurdo. Many can feel it rumbling beneath the surface of world events. 5 MAY 2019 In the early 1970s, when satellites first began snapping photos of Earth, scientists noticed a mysterious hole in one of Antarctica's seasonal ice packs, floating on the Lazarev Sea. 4 - The Almost South Pole Station. Jarle Andhy calls himself as a "Wild Viking." He has been the subject of the Norwegian television series Berserk mot Nordpolen ("Berserk to the North Pole"), Berserk til Valhall ("Berserk to Valhalla") and Berserk gjennom Nordvestpassasjen ("Berserk through the Northwest Passage") which aired on NRK in 2003, 2005 and 2007. . Whilst the photos are likely genuine, Antarctica is not Guarded. . Antarctica is covered in ice. Actually, the South Pole in Antarctica is officially colder than the North Pole. Antarctica covers Earth's South Pole. In fact, it appears that many countries feel entitled to segments of . ; The Treaty obliges each Party to give advance notification of all expeditions to and within Antarctica, on the part of its ships, aircraft, or nationals, and all . The image shows the alleged UFO crash site with 4 tanks in front of it and they seem to be literally stopping the UFO from taking off, wondering off or . Google Earth has apparently been the tool responsible for the discovery of two "secret" underground facilities in Antarctica. Travel to Antarctica is strictly controlled under the Antarctic Treaty which aims to protect the continent for peace and scientific research. Viracocha, the Non-binary Creator God with Gold Blood. One thing that a lot of moon hoaxers point out is that the Nazi scientist who led the US in the space race had apparently gone to Antarctica shortly before the first men set foot on the moon, and they allege that since moon rocks had been . Antarctica is a continent that is located in the s Viracocha, the Non-binary Creator God with Gold Blood. Now, as nearly 1,000 scientists and others who wintered over on the ice are seeing the sun for the first time in weeks or months, a . Unless they had a battery of tank's aimed at the huts then this answer is wrong. Secrets man is not meant to know, creatures human eyes are not supposed to see and our minds can't comprehend. Most of Antarctica is covered in ice over 1.6 kilometres thick (1 mile). . Related An Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) is an area on the continent of Antarctica, or on nearby islands, which is protected by scientists and several different international bodies.The protected areas were established in 1961 under the Antarctic Treaty System, which governs all the land and water south of 60 latitude and protects against human development. Antarctica is called the last wilderness because it is the only place that we have not spoiled. humans have not yet!! In late August 1946 the United States sent Task Force 68 to Antarctica, which included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. The images of the tank's and UFO Caught everyone by surprise. conspiracy, Flat Earth February 24, 2016 Comments: 13. (CNN) A breeding colony of 60 million fish has been discovered in Antarctica's ice-covered Weddell Sea -- a unique and previously unknown ecosystem that covers an area the . down to us fools because we don't accept the fact that Antarctica is not a continent but instead is a giant ice wall guarded by the men in black. The continent of Antarctica makes up most of the Antarctic region. Ufologists identified a weird object that landed or crashed in this area, defended by four forms covered in snow and like a battery of tanks, according to ufologists. Antarctica is not a country: it has no government and no indigenous population. However, gold had no material value but represented Viracocha's blood and. It has characteristics of a continent including its size, unique geography, and vegetation. Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Expeditions to Antarctica: The Antarctic Treaty and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty establish certain obligations on the Treaty Parties with regard to expeditions to the Antarctic Treaty area. As Antarctica has never been permanently settled by humans there has historically been little military activity in the Antarctic.Because the Antarctic Treaty, which came into effect on June 23, 1961, bans military activity in Antarctica, military personnel and equipment may only be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose (such as delivering supplies) on the continent. Whisper the word: oil.. She remains at the U.S. research station due to its remoteness and the extreme weather that hits the ice sheet in the austral winter. Deep-sea biologists were stunned to find the largest known fish breeding ground, a discovery made last . This ice wall thought by some flat-Earthers to be Antarctica is the destination of the promised FEIC cruise. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is considered to be the holiest site in Christianity. 2010-12-05 19:33:43 . Unless they had a battery of tank's aimed at the huts then this answer is wrong. It's a rumbling in the bowels. Home; . Your home freezer is only about -15C. It is a strategically valuable location and it is a hotly disputed zone among many powers who wish to garner the strategic, financial, and natural resource boons that are associated with it. Why is the Holiest Shrine in Christianity Guarded by Two Muslim Families? Why Is Antarctica Under Military Occupation? Here's why you can trust us. Why is Antarctica so heavily guarded and why are only high level security clearance military allowed to go? Why the Storm on Antarctica? . When we think of the North Pole, we tend to think of snow, ice, polar bears, igloos, and Santa (but more on that later). That crisis is spiritual. There are obvious answers, and while so many are true, they are insufficient, for they usually scratch the surface of a worldwide crisis that has been developing for at least a century and a half. It turns out that the two phenomena a growing ice sheet and warming-related melting are not mutually exclusive. it seems that the time line of the satellite in question means that either it was a UFO being guarded by four tanks or something else entirely different is going on there, like an underground . The melting and colliding ice masses also give us an insight into how our future is going to be, if we continue with interference in the working of the nature. Everyone knows it's cold, but few people know that the North Pole is not the coldest place on the planet. Hide Caption. 5 of 9. Interesting facts About Antarctica The South Pole is not the coldest place in Antarctica. There are many rumors surrounding Operation HIGHJUMP. Moreover, Antarctica holds into the depths of its . Protecting the Antarctic Environment. And their claims to the . It's maybe too far for the sun to penetrate (assuming a central Earth sun) and where people are going is merely around the North pole or some land mass purported to be Antarctica. The absolute truth is we will never know unless we can gain the means of looking but where do you look if something is out of bounds? There are no countries in Antarctica, instead, it is governed by The Antarctic Treaty. by Ancient Code Team 1 month ago. Antarctica is a continent. (For Antarctica, January is during the summer season, which is why the Coast Guard chooses that time of year to send the Polar Star.) Viracocha, the sun god, and supreme creator was sacred to the Inca Empire, as was gold. It's a rumbling in the bowels. But i think either or all three of the following things are going on to do with Antarcica. Come summertime the gap had disappeared, and for decades the strange event went unexplained. Officials say it has been too dangerous to send in a rescue . It is Earth's fifth largest continent. It's unspoken. Andhy is best known for controversial voyages in . That does not mean, however, that no country has tried to claim it in the past or present. Antarctica is not a country: it has no government and no indigenous population. The images of the tank's and UFO Caught everyone by surprise. Australia and Antarctica (both larger) are generally considered to be continental landmasses rather than islands. It's unspoken. The South Pole is found in Antarctica. Fun Antarctica Facts for Kids Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth. That world is Antarctica, the only continent without COVID-19. Transhumanism And Antarctica ntarctica is an open mystery. Each time I received an un-expectable number of emails. Everybody knows there is something in Antarctica. Parties to the Antarctic Treaty have agreed to restrict human access to 16 areas of special scientific or environmental value in Antarctica. Viracocha, the sun god, and supreme creator was sacred to the Inca Empire, as was gold. McMurdo Facility has subsequently become the primary US research station in Antarctica. In the view of many ufologists and researchers, these mysterious entrances could be secret military underground facilities, extraterrestrial bases but even ordinary caves which formed over time due to the harsh weather conditions that rule over Antarctica. Antarctica is a continent because underneath all of the ice and snow is a landmass that sits on the Antarctic tectonic plate. Spend a single day in Antarctica, south of 60 degrees latitude in the Southern hemisphere, and you've forever got bragging rights. Wiki User. Nevertheless, because of Covid-19, Polar Star's Antarctic . The image shows the alleged UFO crash site with 4 tanks in front of it and they seem to be literally stopping the UFO from taking off, wondering off or . One even suggests that after World War 2 the Nazis escaped to Antarctica and set up bases where they tried to develop UFO technology and these have since been taken over by the US. There are obvious answers, and while so many are true, they are insufficient, for they usually scratch the surface of a worldwide crisis that has been developing for at least a century and a half. But why is that? And here's why: The controversial image is the one above that was taken on the 24th February of 2011. Is Antarctica guarded? 2 - The Hole at the Pole. (~Ed. This theory has been supported by photos of military personnel from various countries operating in Antarctica. Because we and the rest of the top powerful nations do not want Antarctica used for military bases, like bomber bases, or nuclear weapons bases. Plus, this is a continent. Little do they know that they do not guard Antarctica, but guard us from what dwells within this continent forsaken by time. November 28, 1955 - "This is the most important expedition in the history of the world." (Admiral Byrd said before returning to Antarctica.) Antarctica is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The 53 countries under the treaty, including New. Icefish nests, some guarded, at the bottom of the Antarctic Weddell Sea in February 2021. The average winter temperature at the South Pole is about -49C. There are few people who can perceive the benefits of Antarctica who also have clear opinions based on personal experience of the continent. Many can feel it rumbling beneath the surface of world events. Antarctica is the most isolated of the seven continents, and is called home only by penguins and a few other species of animals, as well as scientific researchers from around the world. Governments really want to know what's under the ice. This connects with the Hole at the Other Pole and to the Hollow Earth and those who live there. Antarctica has been divided for the past half a century between Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Argentina and Chile. . Poker Group digital says: Quoting: Anonymous Coward 69383541 Antarctica is the edge, according to Flat Earth. That crisis is spiritual. by Ancient Code Team 1 month ago. Science drives human investigation in Antarctica today, yet there's a reason why geologists often take centre-stage. Antarctica is unique as it is an isolated landmass with no permanent human settlements surrounded by a wide, cold and stormy ocean. 3 - The Wall Around the Hole at the Pole. Credit: Oliver Dodd/CC-BY-2. In 2011 a photo of four tanks guarding a UFO in Antarctica surfaced from Google Earth. why is Antarctica so cold? Conservation. Antarctica is bigger than Europe and almost double the size of Australia. I'm working on a big YT piece that ties together Operation High Jump, a militarized OP in 1946 with over 30 ships and 1700 militarized personnel that went to Antarctic to scale the Ice Walls. 46 0. The reason it is off limits to most people is because it is a natural resource reserve. But now I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. Why Can't I Go to Antarctica? The temperature in the winter is cold enough to freeze water all the time. Rather, the researchers found that snow accumulation is adding more ice to East Antarctica (the huge chunk . Whilst this sacred site is divided between several . Hitler's Germany was extremely interested in Antarctica beginning in the 30s. 46 0. The temperature in the middle of Antarctica is much colder than the . With a population of about 55,877 (2018), it is the least densely populated territory in the world. Although, mostly covered by ice, it is a huge land mass. Moreover, the NASA study, which was published Oct. 30 in the Journal of Glaciology, does not disprove global warming. . Originally Answered: Why is Antartica guarded by the military.? An Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) is an area on the continent of Antarctica, or on nearby islands, which is protected by scientists and several different international bodies.The protected areas were established in 1961 under the Antarctic Treaty System, which governs all the land and water south of 60 latitude and protects against human development. The Southern Ocean, shown here from a ship approaching the coast of Antarctica, has been warming twice as fast as the world's other oceans. 9 It Is Not The Coldest Place On Earth. What Countries Can Access Antarctica? Instead, the entire continent is set aside as a scientific preserve. I am neither a flattard nor a globetard. it seems that the time line of the satellite in question means that either it was a UFO being guarded by four tanks or something else entirely different is going on there, like an underground . These breathing holes are guarded and kept open by the males during the time when the females give birth. For a group of people who believe that Earth is surrounded by a secret ice wall guarded by sinister government forces, going to Antarctica is a bold mission. What's so special about Antarctica that makes it so different from all the other places on Earth? This stops people from the Almost-South-Pole-Station from falling in the hole and keeps out immurgrunts. There's just one catch: . Reply. The coldest temperature recorded in Antarctica was -89.6C at Vostok station in 1983. Why? One thing that a lot of moon hoaxers point out is that the Nazi scientist who led the US in the space race had apparently gone to Antarctica shortly before the first men set foot on the moon, and they allege that since moon rocks had been . In 2011 a photo of four tanks guarding a UFO in Antarctica surfaced from Google Earth. This mission was created on the fly, even the . Strain by Michael Crichton that pictures a scene where a deadly disease attacks the human race and food and crops are guarded by the police. Instead, the entire continent is set aside as a scientific preserve. Ufologists have found the McMurdo Station using Google Earth. There are a lot of places in the world that are off-limits to tourists, and Antarctica is one of them. Antarctica gives us an idea, how the earth would have been like millions of years ago and how it got divided into various earth masses. Antarctica is located, like the North Pole, right in the middle of the earth. However, gold had no material value but represented Viracocha's blood and. why do you think antarctica being guarded has anything to do with flat earth? Antarctica is a continent located in th According to tradition, this was the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and resurrected from the dead. Many historians attribute this to the occultist background of the upper echelons of the Nazi party, some of whom where members of the so-called Thule Society. why wouldn't the whole perimeter be guarded to protect the edges? Do it in the wintertime and you've earned a distinctive "Wintered Over" clasp you can hold over everyone else. Why? What Is Antarctica Like? More than . 39,349 1 minute read. Why is Antarctica so heavily guarded and why are only high level security clearance military allowed to go? Antarctica is Guarded By The Military One myth that has come to light in recent years is that Antarctica is guarded by the military. used for materials or put buildings on. Why is ant Sunlight strikes the earth straight on (at a right angle) at the equator and then the angle gets more acute (less than a right angle - 90) as you move away from the equator towards the poles. Easily one of the rarest medals a troop can earn is the Antarctica Service Medal. Three-quarters of Greenland is covered by the only permanent ice sheet outside Antarctica. An Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) is an area on the continent of Antarctica, or on nearby islands, which is protected by scientists and several different . Antarctica is a continent located in the southern hemisphere and is considered to be the fifth largest. The 32-nation group, responsible for regulating human. 1. it is not all ice, there is a habitable area, as in not cold, and containing much biodiversity most likely much of it being unique. And here's why: The controversial image is the one above that was taken on the 24th February of 2011. The Antarctic Treaty, which came into force in . Rockefeller and Gates will be those .