All I will say, is that do not do the "game" it wants you to play. This might be flashed once or twice at targets. 2. Therefore, have your evidence point in the direction of proving those violations. Poisoned: Lethal and non-lethal. Great!!! Gang-stalkers are organized and they have an agenda and they have a target, their crimes are public and out in the open and is openly known to people, but because of constant controlled propaganda spewed out by Fascist country's and their news media's most people do. Except the target is mobile, not a location. You never hear anyone talking, nor t.v. Gangstalking Definition. Well first of all do you work for them or do you know somebody that does are you trying to interrupt or interfere with her so-called case do you know the wrong people are you hanging out with the wrong people are you doing things that you should be doing and telling lies that you're not unfortunately I am being stalked myself it takes 20 people to watch one person so you must imagine what type . on. Most curiously, nearly… Victims of gang stalking report being systematically intimidated and harassed by plain-clothed people who utilize symbolic movements and gestures to persecute them. How do Gangstalkers communicate? In the Targeted Individual Community it was thought that this was just being used at night to annoy targets, but flashing the lights is used to identify themselves to their foot patrols. The GANGSTALKERS are, dispatched to commit crimes against the person and property of the Targeted Individual such as breaking and entering the home of the target to commit crimes of theft and property damage. Take a video camera with you where you go. 1 - Steady Tone, near the high end of the hearing range, say 15,000 Hz. Limits your communication with friends, family, and loved ones. Property Damage: Vandalism, Thefts, Sabotage, break ins. You are also blocked from work opportunities if you're emailing resumes or someone you met is trying to connect to you. Is anyone here familiar with gang stalking and the many electronic devices they use, and more importantly how to counteract them. Profiling: this is normally the start of Gangstalking. For example; if they know that you will be going in for a Sinus CT Scan on a certain day and time, they will stop poisoning you the day before so that the scan will come out clear. One of the imaginary "Gangstalkers" inside the Targeted Individual's mind might communicate with the other imaginary "Gangstalkers" inside the "Targeted Individuals's" mind using a form of speech or even ASL (American Sign Language). As of yet I have neglected to do so. The target is you. This will stop them burning you and doing DEW which is the part that kills you. Clearly the best scientists do not work for the Department of Defense. 5. . So it is your own fault. Answer (1 of 7): Gangstalking is not magic. 4. 2 - Hypnotists Voice varying from 300 Hz to 4,000 Hz and a Mic. Bring all communication to a end! While the idea of a silent sonic weapon sounds like something out of James Bond, Inspector Gadget or the reject pile of DARPA, the idea of using sound as a weapon has a long history . Keep getting more footage. They use gang stalkers to gas light the victims and in conjuction with the day in day out torture using v2k weapons, they drive them to either suicide, be locked up in mental health facility, or to incarcerate them. Do you know how you communicate? How gangstalkers communicate. Videotape the perpetrators and their actions against you. Provides you with financial support that requires you to ask for money when you need it. BlueLeaks reveals that Fusion Centers employ . Apr 28, 2020 - Communicate: exchange information convey feeling or thought understand one another These are just 3 definitions of the word Communicate. 3. 7. It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It is taken from actions used by the East German Stasis and can even be traced back to Nazi behavior. No one ever takes a shower. 6. Profiling: this is normally the start of Gangstalking. Do it in a way that is not noticeable to the rest of society. Do not form a witches' circle and hold hands to pray in a circle like they always make us do in church, because it conjures up all kinds of demon spirits and not only demon spirits but also fallen angel devils from inside the circle's portal that they use your energy to open. Selection of Sample. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. You never hear the water running in their apartment. This is an example of how decrepid and morally bankrupt the gangstalkers of Adelaide are. The Predatory Gangstalkers are then capable of greater . Property Damage: Vandalism, Thefts, Sabotage, break ins. Noise Campaign: to produce stress. Then use double-alligator wires to connect one blanket piece to another, so that an electrical pathway is traced between the grounded plug and the last blanket. Encourage ceasing communication. These gang stalkers are a group of hive-mind alien hybrids that are using synthetic telepathy to communicate with each other to coordinate the reptilian hunt. These gang stalkers are a group of hive-mind alien hybrids that are using synthetic telepathy to communicate with each other to coordinate the reptilian hunt. What app do gangstalkers use. In this setup, the CBA in the car may be instructed to call, using walkie-talkie-style cell phones, another CBA (or team) waiting or patrolling by car nearby to follow the target, or, you may be assigned to follow the target yourself. How to tell if gang stalkers live next door: 1. About Do Gangstalkers What . So when you see a gang-stalker that is following you all you have to do is look directly . You will see members of these groups riding around during the day with their headlights or hi beams on. 8. The net result is that all communication in a targeted individual's life will become unreliable and incomplete, both incoming and outgoing. These shitbags need to be in jail. Encourage your friend to firmly and calmly let the stalker know that contact is not appreciated and must stop immediately. Sonic weapons. They also rely on their abuse being so extreme, so pervasive, so fundamentally immoral, as to be disbelieved and victims Quick to deny or malign others who do not share their point of view. Those are the goals of the CIA , not because they want to deter anyone from doing drugs but in order to control them. Shine a light on the cockroaches. The book Web site describes mobbing as: 1) "Emotional abuse in the workplace.". Everyone else knows But let him run , sweat, with the gang,,, "waking" up others,,, waking them up into the game as new slaves for covert torture Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. 3 - Frequency Modulator, Voice Controls Frequency. That is what makes sense to me. They do not usually know the target beforehand. I am especially interested to read anything about secret hand sign gestures and any resources that can be offered about how to go about approaching a seemingly impossible communication barrier. Fortification 2. How do Gangstalkers communicate? They are playing a game similar to Pokémon go. Gang Stalking, also known as Community Stalking, Cause Stalking or Stalking-by-Proxy is the nomenclature used to describe the various techniques deliberately used against individuals with various nefarious intentions. Gang Stalking: Real-Life Harassment Not only do they have the ability to block and Gangstalkers Communicate How [TNZ0SE] Kitanima. How Gangstalkers Communicate case brought against the FBI and…. In the end, the WIT researchers conclude, "Our work has shown that approximately 1 in 3 individuals in the United States is carrying an RFID microchip." Being implanted without knowledge or giving permission is not a new phenomenon. . 4 - Output is now, more or less, a steady tone, sounding like tinnitus, but with hypnosis embedded. Computer & Phone Security 4. Communication Block- Inability to contact family or friends that aren't in your sphere locally to talk to. It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. But be careful. Has a particular way of communicating helped or hurt you? Each one is individually calibrated. Predatory Gangstalkers constantly update information about a target. Gangstalking is defined as the obsessive, coordinated, and organized stalking techniques used by a group of people (a gang) against another person (victim) or group of people (targeted individuals) Gang stalkers will perform unwanted and repeated surveillance of their victim causing the victim to fear for safety, feel . In many cases the victim of gangstalking was defamed in some way. If you see this second stalker in a public place where there's many of people, or when you have some friends present. In my own case, I traced and tracked many of my personal stalkers, sued a few of them, shut down a security company, and won a settlement. When you come in range of my near field communication long enough to connect to it…they win. A person who claims to be a gang stalker himself describes how they operate. Further to the above, gangstalkers rely on disbelief and discrediting and as such much of the harassment is designed (at least initially) to mimic mental health issues. #1. Oct 8, 2016. Here's how. And predators sense it, both human and hyperdimesional, and thus the target and the abuser/harasser become magnetically pulled to each other. In my own case, I traced and tracked many of my personal stalkers, sued a few of them, shut down a security company, and won a settlement. Examples include if you hold the door open for people, do you help a stranded motorist, do you help someone who needs some spare change . Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated . How often do we look at our lives and jobs … 3. The apps also contain and message boards for the purpose of mass communication of these alleged nuisance members of society. B. Tradecraft 1. 2 is a purported systematic form of intimidation perpetrated by one or another organization— usually thought to be the government or some other conglomerate that has access to unlimited Techniques A large part of Gang Stalking involves psychological harassment of the targets. Stalkers are monitoring their victims' movements and conversations using bugging and tracking devices as well as spyware and covert phone apps easily bought online, victims' groups have warned . 3) "Malicious, nonsexual, nonracial, general harassment.". It is basically a giant National sewing circle for people who have nothing better to do all day than masturbate to stranger's everyday lives. 1. A slightly adjacent theory is, you are being gang stalked because you ticked of a policeman or someone with connections. You will receive instructions from your local center as to following the target. Microwave hearing, pubic theater, voice to skull, vehicular harassment and synthetic telepathy are just a few methods implemented by these sadistic groups. Spy Gear C. Interacting with Perps 1. Below are some of them. They make you give up your security privileges, so eventually all of your communications are watched (which is why I composed this email offline where they cannot see me, and sent it via an internet cafe), and you have to attend meeting after meeting of mind-numbing pledges and chants. B. No one ever uses the bathroom. Makes you feel unsafe to be around them. Name one as trolls / disinfo types and then tag people in that category that you're unsure of. The foot patrols will then communicate back to the Informant in the car, using a combination of hand signals. the dope show by rabit, released 10 january 2019 1. Nearly 100% of gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, intelligence, and security personnel, violating the law. Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. The Predatory Gangstalkers are then capable of greater insidious manipulation and control. It's similar to Cointelpro or red squads, and it's being used on a lot of innocent people to ruin them and make them look crazy. Watch out target is coming - touch nose with hand, or handkerchief (who carries handkerchiefs anymore, but these are hand signals from the Nazi era ). 6) Then connect the alligator clip end to the bottom edge of a blanket, so that it grips onto both sides of the foil. gang-stalkers communicate telepathically . Scripted Responses & Fake Phone Calls 2. Not only do they have the ability to block and . When an informant is on foot, the cars will flash lights to open communication. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. Unfortonately I now know that gang stalking and being targeted is real. Disappearing 3. 2. Basic Man in the Middle Attack. Do this until the DEW stops. The members of Targeted Justice have documented their crimes, including - harassment, gangstalking, illegal entry, vehicular stalking, assault & battery, theft, property damage, conspiracy, and attempted murder. To achieve this a profile of the target is gathered and then a program of harassment is implemented using many of the methods below. In the thousands of sex trafficking cases Powers has encountered, she has "never seen, read or heard about a real sex-trafficking situation in which a child was abducted by traffickers in. Threatens to hurt you or your loved ones if you don't do what they say. Sensitizing: expose TI to thing over and over to notice them. And for "snitches who get riches . Have people witness what you are experiencing so they may testify on your behalf in court. These shitbags need to be in jail. The targets are divided into four different categories: I do, however, know a great deal about the targeting process. Nearly 100% of gang stalking involves current and retired police, military, intelligence, and security personnel, violating the law. Satellites, cell towers, standard radio towers. This moving thing works by stopping the beams (coming from the UAV's) from crossing which is how they burn you (they often use 5 or more beams at once A sample of 50 written accounts was considered sufficient to capture the overall essence of participant experiences while also giving the data to have adequate quantifiable merit [].Self-published accounts of gang-stalking were selected from within websites and web forums on the internet via purposive convenience sampling using Google searches of websites, blogs, and . 1 - Steady Tone, near the high end of the hearing range, say 15,000 Hz. 2. Program: expose TI to thing over and over to get them to react to them. You can add them to that list as you test them, or just ban them all together. They just caught you, made their points. 15. A. How do gang stalkers communicate keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with . . CHERRYING: Getting out of a legal tangle through the syndicate's intervention. Glen Mahendra on How-gangstalkers-communicate. Search: How To Get Even With Gangstalkers. . Predatory Gangstalkers constantly update information about a target. Ultimately the chip could play an invaluable forensic role in assisting with human identification. When we get targets, we divide them into four categories: mercenary, practice, planning, and enemy. The biggest problem with imaging is that the Gang Stalkers will tailor their poisoning of you to minimize presentable symptoms. 2.1. There are certain signals gang stalkers use to communicate with each other. You never hear anyone cooking. They never use toilet or flash. How gangstalkers communicate. When an informant is on foot, the cars will flash lights to open communication. Who you were speaking to, where you are (if you are allowed out without him). A. Some victims may downplay the stalking, or try to be nice to make the stalker go away. Incase the . 4) Create categories of friends. Given the rise of government surveillance post-9/11 and also the advance of technology, more and more individuals are finding . Holds on to your identification cards, other personal documents, or money. 3. 1. Target is standing still - lay one hand against back, or on stomach. 1. King, and RFK was a mortal attack on our democracy. They wait until you go out to do what they have to do. When you look at the definitions, what comes to mind? The more grounded outlets used, the better. It is being improved upon almost annually and makes depopulation that much more efficient for gangstalking scum. Poisoned: Lethal and non-lethal. Maybe childhood abuse, or bullying, something that imprinted on them and which they haven't yet cleared out and overcome. (I wasn't even sure Packer would be there The answer is most likely based on the original motivation for the stalking Artificial Intelligence: C omputer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages If they wear the same clothes . Nykes Mic: vor 3 Wochen (bearbeitet): Self-replicating nanobots that can communicate to their servers through microwaves from your smart meter, phone, smart devices in the internet of things, etc. It is estimated that Infragard has more than 66,000 members in the United States. The victim is usually followed and may be "flashed" from either a "tail-gating" vehicle or a passing or on-coming one. 2.1. 2 - Hypnotists Voice varying from 300 Hz to 4,000 Hz and a Mic. RISS has legitimized the "slow kill" program. Department of Defense, costing $2. Targeted Individuals call those who commit these crimes of SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT "perpetrators" or "perps" and GANGSTALKERS. 2) "Ganging up" by co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation.". Gang stalking does not exist, but if gang stalking exists it is retaliation for whistleblowing. 4. I knpw some of you may think me nuts, before this began I would have felt the same for any else saying this. Threatens to hurt you or your loved ones if you don't do what they say. Noise Campaign: to produce stress. Join forces with other victims. These app's message boards, allow all members having the apps to post any info on anyone and to monitor anyone .The apps are intended for monitoring suspected criminals or a real criminals or ex criminal or a community nuisance's such as an aggressive beggars. 5) Let others know that you think someone is a troll or counterintelligence agent. (Full disclosure: SecureMySocial, of which I am the CEO, offers patented technology that warns people if they share their mobile numbers on social media. Exploit technology. It usually occurs when a lot of individuals conspire under the influence of some sort of prejudice or willingness to persecute someone. . A Targeted Individual (TI) is a person who has been place under 24/7 SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT by a group of strangers, but can include SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT by family, neighbors, friends and co-workers. Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. In the process, the higher-ranked gangstalkers . I have been following the phenomenon known as gang stalking since first hearing about it in early 2005. Most curiously, nearly… How gangstalkers communicate. The idea is to intimidate . They can do this, and this is called "entrainment," in which field oscillations can entrain the firing/discharging of a group of neurons. Brighting As targets walk on the street, usually at night, perps will turn on their high beams. The exception is voice cloning. A sample of 50 written accounts was considered sufficient to capture the overall essence of participant experiences while also giving the data to have adequate quantifiable merit [].Self-published accounts of gang-stalking were selected from within websites and web forums on the internet via purposive convenience sampling using Google searches of websites, blogs, and . Take calculated risks. Like Wikihow to party with your gangstalkers: step 1. on further investigation their will be . Initially I was skeptical after reviewing several gang stalking victim's testimonials. In addition, some neurons are configured in such a way that they adopt a certain firing pattern according to their membrane potential, which can be independent of input. 4. Do not form a witches' circle and hold hands to pray in a circle like they always make us do in church, because it conjures up all kinds of demon spirits and not only demon spirits but also fallen angel devils from inside the circle's portal that they use your energy to open. Its nothing to do with the police the police are their following a target because of the information being used by the gang stalkers to attempt to convict the target individual. It is done by families relatives neighbours their friends co-workers and so called friends of yours They watch you and have their group meetings Technology internet spy camera's they have their tongue up each others asses so they know exactly what you are doing night and day Sensitizing: expose TI to thing over and over to notice them. The message is, if you are a whistleblower you are asking to be gang stalked. U.S. Patent 5159703. Just keep doing this every time you feel the DEW beams trying to burn you in any way. Selection of Sample. The authors concluded that gangstalking is "delusional in basis," with those surveyed making improbable claims about hostile gangstalkers in their children's schools, traffic lights being.